As of March 03, 2022 the CDC released updated guidelines designed to make decisions on Covid-19 mitigation measures that reflect the impact of vaccinations, stress on local healthcare systems, and level of Covid in the local community. A three-tiered approach assessing Covid-19 Community Levels (Low, Medium, and High) was introduced.
Throughout the pandemic, the leadership of St. John’s has followed CDC guidelines as we’ve sought to keep our church family and our neighbors safe. After prayer and discussion, St. John’s Leadership has determined we will continue to align our mitigation measures with CDC recommendations. Below is a summary of our approach, effective today:
Bucks County is currently in the CDC’s Low, or Green Community transmission level. To maximize safety and comfort, we are no longer requiring masks to attend St John’s. We do recommend that congregants:
1. Stay up to date with vaccines.
2. Get tested if you have symptoms.
3. Talk to your healthcare provider if you are at high risk for severe illness about whether a mask and other precautions are needed.
4. Wear a mask if desired.
5. Wear a mask at parents’ discretion if 6. Watch services online if you have symptoms, a positive test or have been exposed to someone with Covid.
We ask unvaccinated people to either wear a well-fitting mask or test themselves in the morning before attending church activities. We will not be checking vaccination or test status. For those who want to continue to mask and distance, we will keep a section roped off and adjust the size of that area based on need.
Government-issued free home tests are available, click > Free Home Tests
Call the church office if you need tests.
Other mitigation measures, such as changes to our worship services and our approach to food at large-group gatherings will be assessed in the coming weeks. In the interim, please gauge and be mindful of the health and concerns of all within your small group prior to serving food.
Thank you for your commitment and sacrifices throughout the past 23 months, and please continue to remain mindful of the safety of our vulnerable members. Know that your efforts and sacrifices have been offerings of love, beautifully reflecting your commitment to the Lord you serve.
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