United Women in Faith

United Women in Faith seeks to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communitiesWe participate in local, regional, and global mission projects.  Our membership is open to all women with a desire to belong and serve.  You may also choose to become a member of one of our five circles, which meet monthly.  Each circle is a mirror that in its own unique way reflects the sisterhood, spiritual development, and charity of the St. John's United Women in Faith.  Whether Circle members or not, we are all members of St. John's United Women in Faith.  Circle and general meetings are open to everyone, without special invitation. 

In September, all women of the church, their friends, and family are invited to gather for a welcoming meal.  We usually have a guest speaker who represents a mission focus or spiritual growth message, as well as an update on happenings in the larger UWF organization.  In December, circle members bake and deliver plates of cookies or flowers to our shut-ins.  In March, we gather for breakfast and a Lenten devotion with communion.  Our Spring Banquet in May includes dinner and various entertainment.  Most of these events are held in our fellowship hall. Throughout the year, our five circles perform individual mission projects.

For more information, please call Arlene Williams at (215) 355-0162  or Linda Barr at (215) 773-9865.  You can also find additional information on our bulletin board located in the narthex at church.  If you would like to receive emails about UWF projects and programs, please email Arlene WilliamsWe hope to hear from you and look forward to the opportunity to warmly welcome you to St. John's United Women in Faith. 



For more information on the United Women in Faith, please visit their website below:

United Women in Faith