St. John's Missions


“Open arms and serving hands transforming lives through Christ.”

St. John’s Mission Mandate

All are invited to join us as we work to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need.
Questions?  Contact Pastor Ruth @ 215-357-6998, ext. 306


Red Bird Mission would like to include sports balls in the Christmas boxes for kids in the Beverly, KY area. The Communion Offering on Sunday, October 2nd, will be used to purchase items through Amazon and have them shipped direct to Red Bird. Monetary donations will also be accepted each Sunday in September and added to the Communion Offering amount. Look for the table in the Narthex area. Thank you in advance for your generosity.  In addition, items can be dropped off at the trailer in person on September 10th & 11th from 8am - 7pm.

Thank You, 

Red Bird Committee 

 Food and Clothing Collections

The need for food and clothing by our disadvantaged neighbors in the Eastwick section of Philadelphia and Northeast Philadelphia goes on throughout the year. Your donations of canned goods and non-perishable dry foods are greatly needed and much appreciated. In addition, there is a great need for clothing that is appropriate for persons seeking employment  Please place your food donations in the shopping carts located in the hallway and clothing may be hung on the coat rack across from the church office. St. John’s frequently partners with the food and clothing banks at Eastwick United Methodist Church in the city of Philadelphia. 


Other Mission Opportunities

There are a variety of other opportunities for persons to serve in missions at St. John’s. There are opportunities to provide meals for those in need through Caring forFriends as well as to participate in special collections of food, clothing and gift items during the Christmas and Easter seasons. As local, national, and international need arise, St. John’s responds to requests for assistance through the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). Please check out the United Methodist Men, United Methodist Women, Children’s Ministry and Youth Ministry web pages for additional mission opportunities.

For More Information contact: Pastor Ruth Portzline, 215-357-6998 X 306
